Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Missing Input on ACTION-"Error"

Error Message:

Missing Input on Action

The action that you configured in you policy rule doesn't accept the empty message.

There are few troubleshoot techniques are involved in this error.
  1. Go to object->MPG->Process Message whose body is empty and turn it On.
  2. Go to Processing policy and configure new transform action before the error resulted action and make context as INPUT and output as NULL.
This may solve the issue,for additional troubleshooting you may enable the probe and monitor the requests and responses.Try to find out where you are getting the empty result.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Creating Web Service Proxy(WSP)

Web Service Proxy is a powerful service in DataPower which provides abstraction and security to the backend web services.It provide access to variety of web services.
WSP has many important characteristics like
  • URI abstraction
  • Schema Validation
  • Building operation level rules.
All the information will be available in WSDL document which is used by Datapower

Steps to create WSP:
  1. Go to Services->Web-Service proxy->New
  2. Give the Name of the proxy
  3. Upload the wsdl of that particular proxy
  4. Create an Http front side handler and mention Binding SOAP 1.1 or 1.2
  5. Give Remote host,port,URI in the Remote End point URL
  6. You can mention load balancer group also in that remote end point
  7. Policy is automatically created after uploading wsdl,you can implement you actions in this
  8. You can turn on and turn of the schema validation  at the wsdl level in that policy

10.Apply the changes and save
This is the breif decription of creating WSP.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Creating MultiProtocal Gateway

Multiprotocal Gateway(MPG) is the versatile service.As the name itself suggests us that MultiProtocal Gateway will process the requests between various protocols.
Steps to process request:
  1. Receives Request
  2. Process request with processing policy
  3. Forward to remote server or back end
This flow is same for the response too.
MPG will use front side handlers to manage client connections.Note that a single MPG can have multiple front side handlers.

The basic difference between Web service proxy(WSP) and MPG is WSP will not process REST requests and MPG will not use WSDL to determine the configuration

Steps to Create a Multiprotocal Gateway:
  • Log in to the device
  • Go to Services->Multiprotocal Gateway->New-Multiprotocal-Gateway
  • Give name of the MPG under Multi-Protocol Gateway Name 
  • Create an XML Manager by clicking + sign and fill all the required options
  • Inside XML Manager create User Agent and fill all the required options
  • Create the processing policy by clicking + after the Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy
  • Create a request,response and error rules in the policy by selecting type in the rule 
  •  Create a front side handler for your MPG with the required protocol
  • Select Type of back end whether it static or dynamic.If it is static give the Back end url in the backend URL  option
  • select SSL client crypto profile 
  • sepcify Request and Response Type
  • You can leave other options as a default


This is just an overview to create  a MPG.
More details on specific options in this will be in another post